Having problems for your next insta-post? #CANDYxMELISSA got you covered!

Have you ever been so problematic of what filter or photo you want to post for your Instagram? Well, I have to admit I am one of those Instagram users who take that Instagram game seriously. I mean have you seen my all white background Instagram? If you haven't... might as well follow me at @alice_manuel (Lol.) Even though I may not have great photos but I always make sure for that white background for my feed to be clean. (c) Candy Magazine So moving on to what's really the main reason for this blog post.. (I'm sorry 😅) While I was scrolling down to my News feed in Instagram, I suddenly saw the word "Insta-class" and I immediately went to the account who posted it. Am I an Instagram addict or what? 😠It was Candy Mag x Melissa 's Insta-class and I immediately signed up for it without any hesitations. It said that I could bring a friend and I put my bestie's contact information without even asking for her permission. (she had fun nama...